What's Really in our Food? Detecting Food Fraud and Ensuring Food Safety - PerkinElmer Supplier Solutions Webcast
What's Really in our Food? Detecting Food Fraud and Ensuring Food Safety - PerkinElmer Supplier Solutions Webcast
On-Demand Web Events
0.50 CH
0.50 CH
The root cause of food fraud can lead to food safety hazards, making food fraud prevention key to a Food Safety Management System. This webinar will build from the ‘fraud opportunity,’ to the role of detection and deterrence in prevention.
  • List Price: Free
Meeting Details :

This Supplier Solutions Webcast is sponsored by PerkinElmer.

Food Fraud – and the sub-category of Economically Motivated Adulteration or EMA – is one of the hottest food industry topics. The root cause of food fraud can lead to food safety hazards, making food fraud prevention key to a Food Safety Management System.

Technology continues to play a critical role in food authenticity testing and detection. Raw engineering power contributes to prevention when the systems and countermeasures consider specific ways to reduce the ‘fraud opportunity.’ This webinar will build from the ‘fraud opportunity,’ to the role of detection and deterrence in prevention.

You will learn about:
•Detecting, deterring and preventing food fraud
•Ensuring food safety through speciation
•Technology and testing methods to detect food fraud

John Spink
Director of the Food Fraud Initiative

Nicola Vosloo
Food Segment Leader

Length: 30 minutes
Contact Hours: 0.50
Date Recorded: November 17, 2015

You will have access to the content for one year from the date of purchase.

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