Generally Recognized as Safe? CBD’s Uphill Battle to Answer FDA’s Safety Concerns - IFT On-Demand Webcast
Generally Recognized as Safe? CBD’s Uphill Battle to Answer FDA’s Safety Concerns - IFT On-Demand Webcast
On-Demand Web Events Food Sciences
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Before a substance can be legally added to food in the U.S., with rare exceptions, it must be either an approved food additive or determined to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use in food.
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Before a substance can be legally added to food in the U.S., with rare exceptions, it must be either an approved food additive or determined to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use in food.

Explore the regulatory and legal landscape of CBD containing products, with a dive into how the CBD industry can begin addressing FDA safety concerns through toxicology in support of filing a successful GRAS submission. What questions will FDA need answered to satisfy their concerns for this very challenging ingredient? What types of studies must be designed, and how to provide an evaluation of safety under the conditions of its intended use?  If you are operating in the CBD space, it is imperative to understand the requirements of GRAS as well as how to develop a roadmap to successful FDA submission.

Robin Guy, Independent Consultant, EAS Consulting Group
Marc Ullman, Of Counsel, Rivkin Radler

 All IFT Webcasts are free for IFT Premier and Student members.

Original Date: May 21, 2020
59 minutes 43 seconds

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