Consumer Science: What is new in Emotions Research? Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division On-Demand Webcast
Consumer Science: What is new in Emotions Research? Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division On-Demand Webcast
On-Demand Web Events Food Sciences
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This webcast reviews topics within the study of emotions in Sensory and Consumer Science with experts in the field currently conducting research.
  • List Price: Free
Meeting Details :

Understanding the connection between emotions and product success has captured the interest of industry and academic researchers. The number of books, research articles, and projects dedicated to this topic can easily confirm this claim. As the research of emotions continues to develop and gain momentum, new concepts, approaches, uses, and outcomes create the need to develop platforms that will help spark further discussion on this topic, and advance the understanding and links between emotions and product success.

Learning objectives:
1) To understand terminology that is more specific to specific categories and cultures.
2) To understand certain aspects related to the measurement of emotions
3) To understand the assessment of emotions on others. Recent updates on studying emotions with infants and pets (by using facial expressions and body language).

Paul Conner, Founder & CEO, Emotive Analytics
Greg Stucky, Chief Research Officer, InsightsNow, Inc.
Lotika Savant, PhD, Principal Scientist, Nestle Health Sciences
Ragen T.S. McGowan, PhD, Research Scientist – Connected Pet, Behavior and Welfare | Nestlé Purina PTC
Alissa Galatz – Senior Sensory Manger II, Tyson Foods

All IFT webcasts are free for IFT Premier and Student members.

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