Sharing Your Research– A Webcast on Publishing for Industry and Academic Scientists
Sharing Your Research– A Webcast on Publishing for Industry and Academic Scientists
On-Demand Web Events
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This webinar was presented by IFT's Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division. Sharing new knowledge with the sensory community through peer-reviewed publication is critical for furthering the mission of food science and technology – the development of safe, healthy, and good-tasting foods.
  • List Price: Free
Meeting Details :

Publishing our research is essential for career development of students and academic researchers, but it can be equally important for industrial scientists. Industry scientists provide important insights for the real-world applications of research findings and academic-industry partnerships are becoming more frequent and commonplace. Sharing research through publishing may not the first thing on the mind of an industry scientist, yet the benefits are many from enhancing one’s personal recognition and standing in the field to highlighting the important and timely work your company is supportings. Industry scientists might not think their data are publishable or might not know how to go about developing a manuscript for publication. Webinar attendees will learn important tips for publishing regardless of their background or experience.

This program provides short presentations by three speakers with deep experience as authors, peer reviewers and editors. Presentations will be followed by informal Q&A.  The program will be valuable to students who want to learn how to publish and faculty and researchers who want to improve their success rate for publication.  Industry professionals who might not have considered publishing as an outlet for their research should also attend whether or not they have an academic partner.


Beverly J. Tepper, PhD, (program lead) is a Professor of Sensory Science in the Department of Food Science at Rutgers University. She has 30 years of experience in academic publishing and has published over 100 articles in academic journals. She is Scientific Editor for the Sensory and Consumer Sciences Section of the Journal of Food Science.

Carolyn F. Ross, PhD, is a Professor of Food Science in the School of Food Science at Washington State University. She maintains ongoing collaborations with industry scientists that have culminated in published articles. She currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Food Science.
Jaqueline H. Beckley, MBA is CEO of the Insights and Understanding Group, a premier products research technology company. She is the recipient of the 2018 Sensory and Consumer Science Achievement Award and author of numerous books on consumer insights and product innovation

All IFT webcasts are free for IFT Premier and Student members.

Orignial Date: December 10, 2020

Run Time: 1:01:55

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