The Benefits of Structured Data for Food Reesarch & Development & Quality Control Teams - Supplier Solutions On-Demand Webinar by Uncountable
The Benefits of Structured Data for Food Reesarch & Development & Quality Control Teams - Supplier Solutions On-Demand Webinar by Uncountable
On-Demand Web Events
0.50 CH
0.50 CH
  • List Price: Free
Meeting Details :

Research and Development (R&D) and Quality Control (QC) teams are critically important to an organization, but often spend much of their time simply pulling together data to conduct analysis in hopes of key learnings. The biggest lever that R&D leaders have today to fix this problem is to implement tools that make the learning process quicker and easier. This webinar from Uncountable will focus on the benefits of implementing a true data infrastructure, and the challenges that organizations will face along this journey.

- Identifying where on the digitalization journey your organization is
- What is meant by "structured data capture"
- Where traditional ELN and LIMS systems are sufficient, and where they fall short
- The steps necessary to implement a structured data solution successfully, and common pitfalls
- The short term and long term benefits of a truly connected team
Intended Audience:
- R&D and QC Leaders trying to increase knowledge capture within their organization, and improve collaboration both within teams and across teams
- Individual scientists wanting to learn what modern tooling looks like in this space, and how it may be different than what they use today.

Will Tashman, Chief Revenue Officer, Uncountable
Will Tashman is Co-Founder and Chief Revenue Officer at Uncountable. In his role, he works closely with Uncountable’s customers to implement their vision for a modern data platform, delivering high-performing solutions that are tailor made to customer needs in food & beverage and other fields.
[email protected]

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