Audience Take-Aways:
· Discuss the foods as medicine approach to well-being.
· Explain what prebiotics, probiotics, and symbiotic foods are, and how they can be used for food as medicine.
· Identify major types of prebiotics and probiotics.
· Understand challenges and strategies for formulating foods with prebiotics and probiotics.
Katie Harris, Bay State Milling
Dipak Roda, Enzyme Innovation
Sophia Leung, Enzyme Innovation
Audience Take-Aways:
· Discuss the foods as medicine approach to well-being.
· Explain what prebiotics, probiotics, and symbiotic foods are, and how they can be used for food as medicine.
· Identify major types of prebiotics and probiotics.
· Understand challenges and strategies for formulating foods with prebiotics and probiotics.
Katie Harris, Bay State Milling
Dipak Roda, Enzyme Innovation
Sophia Leung, Enzyme Innovation