The Plant-Based Diet Evolution: The Consumer, Scientific Evidence, and Food Formulation | IFT17 Scientific Session Recording
The Plant-Based Diet Evolution: The Consumer, Scientific Evidence, and Food Formulation | IFT17 Scientific Session Recording
On-Demand Web Events Food Health & Nutrition
1.50 CH
1.50 CH

This symposium focused on three main aspects of the trend supporting the future growth of plant-based foods and beverages, with a specific focus on protein: changing consumer landscape; nutrition science supporting consumption; and challenges of formulating high-protein, plant-based foods.

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Today, six in 10 of U.S. citizens 15 to 70 years old are cutting back on meat-based products/ingredients, while an additional 17% claim to have totally or largely eliminated them from their diets. Evidence suggests that the move to a more plant-focused diet, and a greater reliance on plant-based proteins in meeting protein needs, is a long-term lifestyle decision that will continue to grow. A unique aspect of this trend is that it is broad, spanning multiple demographic groups, categories, and consumer needs. Scientific literature also supports the healthfulness of more plant-centered dietary patterns, and today’s dietary guidelines are including advice to encourage consumer consumption of more plant foods.

This symposium will focus on three main aspects of the trend supporting the future growth of plant-based foods and beverages, with a specific focus on protein: the changing consumer landscape and demand for protein; the state of nutrition science supporting consumption; and the challenges food scientists face when formulating foods designed to be high in protein, and plant based. Based on new data from a 2016 Health Focus International consumer survey, the first speaker will offer actionable insights into what is driving consumers toward more plant-based diets. This session will explore market growth drivers and profile key consumer groups who are actively seeking plant-based foods, and proteins.

The second session of this symposium will focus on the scientific evidence supporting the healthfulness of more plant-centric diets, and its role in reducing cardiometabolic disease risk. While animal foods currently supply the majority of protein in the US diet, nuts, seeds, and legumes are being recommended as sources of plant protein that have been shown to improve multiple cardiometabolic risk factors. Despite advances in pharmacological and surgical management, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the number one cause of death worldwide. Consumption of plant foods is associated with lower risk of CVD and Type 2 diabetes. Dietary patterns that emphasize plant foods are recognized in the most recent 2015 Dietary Guidelines.

The third speaker will review food formulation approaches in developing plant-based foods that are high in protein, great tasting, and affordable. Today, food formulators have many plant protein options, but many provide challenges from a taste, functionality and availability perspective. They also differ in key nutritional characteristics that can impact choice and formulation approaches. This session will explore the tradeoffs, sensory challenges, and strategies for developing high-protein foods across a variety of categories, including meat alternatives, snacks, and beverages. It will offer practical insight on strategies food formulators can apply to meet consumers’ health, wellness, and sustainability expectations, while also delivering on taste, texture, and affordability.

Analyses of products developed, including sensory...

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