Tactical Approaches to Food Supply Chain Product Impacts- On-Demand Webinar with the Foodservice Division
Tactical Approaches to Food Supply Chain Product Impacts- On-Demand Webinar with the Foodservice Division
On-Demand Web Events
1.00 CH

This panel discussion hosted by the Foodservice Division provides practical insights into reducing the risks of ingredient supply challenges that resulted from ongoing supply chain issues. The panelists informed that these challenges were widespread and affected many food scientists. Watch as the panelists share their knowledge and expertise on how they are tackling similar issues.

  • List Price: Free
Meeting Details :

Speaker Information:


Chef Nick Landry, Director Culinary and Business Development from Summit Hill Foods       

Carol Bagley, Sr. R& D Manager from Newlyweds

Daniel Sasu, Vice President of Global Customer Experience and Channel Development 

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