Decoding GRAS: Regulatory Understanding in the New Product Development Process- On-Demand Webinar
Decoding GRAS: Regulatory Understanding in the New Product Development Process- On-Demand Webinar
On-Demand Web Events
1.00 CH

This webinar will serve as a sneak peek and primer to the Pre-IFT FIRST Workshop being offered July 13 & 14, 2024 titled, “Decoding GRAS Mastery: Regulatory Understanding in the New Product Development Process”. This presentation will feature examples of the intricacies of GRAS determinations, tailored specifically to the challenges and opportunities presented by the new product development process. We invite regulatory professionals, product developers, and industry professionals to embark on this GRAS journey through IFT and former FDA expert on GRAS, Dr. Steven Gendel.

  • List Price: Free
Meeting Details :

Speaker Information:

Dr. Steven Gendel, PhD, Principal at Gendel Food Safety LLC

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