This webcast was organized by IFT's Product Development Division, and sponsored by Almond Board of California.
Consumer demand for health-promoting food is increasing. Increasingly, the demand for highly nutritious foods has focused on minimally-processed or whole foods. Recent survey data indicate that consumers are skeptical about the health benefits of ultra-processed foods, but lack an understanding of the nutrients and bioactives that may confer the health benefits of foods. Understanding the diversity of dietary bioactives can improve innovation and sustainability of foods in the health and wellness category.
What is next after superfoods? Developing sustainable food products for health and wellness requires consideration of consumer attitudes, regulations on claims, evidence for health effects, and understanding the diversity of health-promoting components from foods. The goal of this webinar is that participants are able to identify the complexities of innovating products for food and health. Product development at the interface of food chemistry and nutrition will help lead to innovative and sustainable foods while increasing the quality of the diet.
Learning objectives:
1. Understand the diversity of health-promoting constituents from foods
2. Learn about the function of foods beyond basic nutrition (immune health, disease prevention, therapeutic uses)
3. Get updates about recent market trends for food and health
4. Be able to discuss the concept of sustainability as it relates to functional foods
5. Identify the current regulatory hurdles and opportunities for health-promoting foods
Bradley Bolling, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nitin Joshi, PhD, CFS (moderator)
VP- Product Development
DMI/Pizza Hut
Length: 60 minutes
Contact Hours: 1.0
Date Recorded: April 10, 2018
All IFT webcasts are free for IFT Premier and Student members.
This webcast was organized by IFT's Product Development Division, and sponsored by Almond Board of California.
Consumer demand for health-promoting food is increasing. Increasingly, the demand for highly nutritious foods has focused on minimally-processed or whole foods. Recent survey data indicate that consumers are skeptical about the health benefits of ultra-processed foods, but lack an understanding of the nutrients and bioactives that may confer the health benefits of foods. Understanding the diversity of dietary bioactives can improve innovation and sustainability of foods in the health and wellness category.
What is next after superfoods? Developing sustainable food products for health and wellness requires consideration of consumer attitudes, regulations on claims, evidence for health effects, and understanding the diversity of health-promoting components from foods. The goal of this webinar is that participants are able to identify the complexities of innovating products for food and health. Product development at the interface of food chemistry and nutrition will help lead to innovative and sustainable foods while increasing the quality of the diet.
Learning objectives:
1. Understand the diversity of health-promoting constituents from foods
2. Learn about the function of foods beyond basic nutrition (immune health, disease prevention, therapeutic uses)
3. Get updates about recent market trends for food and health
4. Be able to discuss the concept of sustainability as it relates to functional foods
5. Identify the current regulatory hurdles and opportunities for health-promoting foods
Bradley Bolling, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nitin Joshi, PhD, CFS (moderator)
VP- Product Development
DMI/Pizza Hut
Length: 60 minutes
Contact Hours: 1.0
Date Recorded: April 10, 2018
All IFT webcasts are free for IFT Premier and Student members.