Dairy Innovation E-Summit On-Demand Event Dairy Foods Division
Dairy Innovation E-Summit On-Demand Event Dairy Foods Division
On-Demand Web Events Food Sciences
3.00 CH
3.00 CH
Organized by IFT’s Dairy Foods Division, this online scientific conference showcases innovations within dairy science and engineering.
  • List Price: Free
Meeting Details :

This event is sponsored by the Dairy Foods Division.

Speaker 1: KJ Burrington - Innovations in dairy ingredients that enhance their performance in food and beverage applications today and in the future.
Speaker 2: Dr. IIan Samish - Sustainable, healthy and affordable milk via precision fermentation of (designer) proteins
Speaker 3: Dr. Sam Alcaine - The Fermented Whey: Upcycling dairy by-products into value-added beverages and ingredients
Speaker 4: Kevin van Koerten - Model based spray drying optimization


Topic 1: Current perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities in Dairy Industry
• Dr. Samuel Alcaine, Assistant Professor of Dairy Fermentations, Department of Food Science, Cornell University
• Kimberlee (K.J.) Burrington, Coordinator, Dairy Ingredients, Cultured Products and Beverages, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison
• Dr. Nitin Joshi, Vice President, Product Development, Dairy Management Inc.

Topic 2: From Bench to Commercialization: Disruptive Innovation Challenges and Opportunities
• Kevin van Koerten, Scientist, NIZO Food Research, Netherlands
• Ilan Samish, Founder & CEO Amai Proteins, Israel
• Maxine Roman, PhD, Principal Scientist, Technology Platforms Ingredients, The Kraft Heinz Company

This event is complimentary.

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